Selasa, 17 November 2009

Cara Pemesanan

Order by Email:

1. Email ke Sebutkan nama, alamat & type tas (Size and colour).

2. Kami akan mengecek stok tersebut dan mengcalculate jumlah total (harga tas dan biaya pengiriman) kemudian mereply email anda dengan jumlah biaya.

3. Pemesan kemudian harus melakukan pelunasan melalui transfer ke rekening BCA.

4. Setelah biaya telah dilunasi kami akan mengirim barang tersebut via Tiki

5. Barang yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat ditukar / dikembalikan

6. Email kami setelah barang diterima.

7. Khusus lokasi Surabaya, pembelian dapat dilakukan melalui Cash on Delivery.

Pengiriman by TIKI JNE tarif dapat diliat di
Lokasi kami Di Surabaya

Lacoste Bags


Lacoste School bag.
This lightweight bag is extremely cool looking, and if you think you’re buying it just for look the you’re WRONG. not only cool looking, this lacoste bag is also made out of a high quality material that made it smooth and durable.

Lacoste Colours selection.
Rp 250.000
Dimensi 32 x 24 Cm
*Harga belum termasuk delivery

Agnes B bags

Agnes b Folding Les Purple Handbag tote bag

The agnes b bag is made from high quality lightweight nylon with many colour handles. The nylon is water resistant and is very easy to clean and store. The top of the bag closes with a zipper.


Agnes b. Colours Selection
Large Rp. 225.000 Dimensi : 45 x 30 Cm
Small Tipe A RP. 100.000 Dimensi 27 x 14 Cm
Small Type B Rp. 65.000 Dimensi 24 x 15 Cm
*Harga belum termasuk Delivery Fee
Type A: Sisa warna yang ada biru muda, pink, ungu dan biru tua.
Type B: sisa warna yang ada hijau muda, hitam, maroon, hijau tua